Boy Atop the World’s Tallest Building
For my son Rick
After his virgin flight alone,
he proudly proclaimed: “I flew
a DC 10 and I rode in first class,
because it was a Luxury Liner.”
His seven year old logic was impeccable.
Driving down the KennedyExpressway,
I recite the names of the Chicago Skyline.
“There’s the Hancock Building with black
cross-your-heart girding
and funny little feelers blinking red.
The First National Bank is a white column,
city-centered against the dusking sky,
And the Sears Tower standing tall,
Rick, the world’s tallest building.”
I take Lake Shore Drive South,
dodging potholes and a flood
of questions about the Sears Tower.
“Could we go see it?
Could we go to the top?
How high is it?
Can I see it again, Dad?
We drive to the South 55th Street Point,
We look back downtown now Christmas lit.
I plan our assault on the Tower,
And he dreams his tallest dream.
Steve Heins, 1978