“Climate Reality is Setting in, and That's 'Strange' to the Washington Post” By DAVID BLACKMON
“What it all means is a climate retrenchment is coming to the Western world, which has spent the last 10 years caught up in the alarmist religious cultism.”
Climate Reality is Setting in, and That's 'Strange' to the Washington Post
NOV 29
You almost have to feel a little sorry for the adherents to the dogma preached by the Global Church of Climate Alarm™. Almost.
After all, look at how their fantasy world in which you can use a trace element in the atmosphere made up of human carbon emissions as a kind of global thermostat is coming crashing down around them now:
The just-ended COP29 conference was a catastrophic failure;
Europe’s EV industry is in full collapse now;
EV demand growth in the US has flatlined;
The outcomes of elections across much of Europe means increased opposition to the alarmist narrative;
Citizens in the Uk have begun to pushback at the abusive policies of the Labour party commies;
And Donald Trump - who refers to climate alarmism as “a hoax,” will be inaugurated for another 4-year term in office in 7 weeks.
What it all means is a climate retrenchment is coming to the Western world, which has spent the last 10 years caught up in the alarmist religious cultism. That reality in turn will inevitably mean globalist elites will be denied trillions of dollars’ worth of future grift as realism, common sense, and the laws of thermodynamics and physics come back into vogue where climate policymaking is concerned.
Over at the Washington Post, the small army of NGO-funded climate cult reporters on staff find this reorientation to reality to be, in a word, “strange.” So much so that they even inserted that descriptor into the headline of a piece titled “A strange new climate era is beginning to take hold.”
The central focus of the piece, stated in its opening paragraph, is the increasingly obvious abandonment of the mythical “1.5 degrees limit” of tolerable warming by national governments, more and more of which simply ignore that piece of the UN IPCC’s dogma in favor of enhancing their countries’ levels of energy security.
The writers even go so far as to refer to the “1.5 degrees” dogma as a “rallying cry”:
For almost a decade, climate scientists and environmental leaders have coalesced around a rallying cry: “Keep 1.5 alive.” It’s a reference to the historic pact nations reached in Paris in 2015 to try to limit Earth’s warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since the start of the Industrial Revolution.
“Keep 1.5 alive.” Catchy, right? Sure. You can almost imagine the Texas A&M yell leaders leading the home crowd to whoop it up over that one.
Yeah, ok, never mind.
After a couple of paragraphs of dogma about 2024 being the latest “hottest year on record” without mentioning the “record” they refer to only goes back to 1979, the writers get around to making an actual point, sort of, in paragraph 4:
Other momentum behind policies to curb climate change is slowing, too. Under President-elect Donald Trump, the United States is poised to leave the Paris agreement and roll back a wide range of environmental policies. And negotiators at a global climate summitthat concluded this week in Baku, Azerbaijan, opted to remain silent on a previous promise to be “transitioning away” from the fossil fuels driving global warming.
And there it is: The big Gorilla in the alarmist cathedral’s prayer room. Donald Trump is coming, and America’s fealty to the Paris Climate Accord, the literal sine qua non of the alarmist cult, is about to go away again.
The return of Trump means a return to common sense energy and climate policies which focus not on virtue signaling wasting of trillions of dollars on unsustainable non-solutions like windmills and slave-labor-made solar panels, but on taking full advantage of America’s colossal wealth of energy minerals like oil, natural gas, coal, and uranium. That’s what is coming because that’s what Donald Trump was elected in part to do.
The woke alarmist writers at the WaPo find this process in which voters elect presidents and other representatives to implement the things they want them to do - you know, what we normals out here in flyover country refer to as small-d “democracy” - to be, in a word, “strange.”
This is the completely warped thought process that has dominated the international climate scene since Barack Hussein Obama His Own Self took office in 2009. That dominance by what even the climate cult’s Pope, Al Gore, and cardinals like John Kerry and John Podesta have admitted is a religious exercise is now about to come to an end, and not just in the United States, but all across the developing world. Leaders in developing nations are becoming increasingly outspoken against efforts by western and globalist leaders to bully them into focusing on non-viable alternatives to oil, gas, coal, and nuclear as they strive to build national economies that can bring their populations into the modern world.
That isn’t “strange,” it is human nature to want to actually improve the standards of living of the people they govern.
In the end, what this WaPo story symbolizes is one of many examples why it and other legacy media platforms which share its outlook are in the process of losing their audiences and dying. Ten years from now, the earth’s climate will still be fine, and they’ll be extinct.
I just hope I’ll still be around to see it happen.
That is all.