Doug Burgum Calls Out the Defeatist Democrat Green Agenda As A Plan for Brownouts and Blackouts Forever THOMAS J SHEPSTONE
Joe Biden has dropped out of the Presidential race, surrendering to the inevitable after the debate with Trump showed just how much the White House and our sycophant press had hidden from the world
Doug Burgum Calls Out the Defeatist Democrat Green Agenda As A Plan for Brownouts and Blackouts Forever
JUL 21
Joe Biden has dropped out of the Presidential race, surrendering to the inevitable after the debate with Trump showed just how much the White House and our sycophant press had hidden from the world up to that point. Whoever, replaces Biden will, of course, adopt precisely the same terrible energy policies because Democrats want the power that comes from supposedly fighting climate change and the campaign donations that come from green energy grifters.
Therefore, the Trump alternative is necessity, if we are to save America from the horrible policies of Germany, the U.K., Sri Lanka and California. We shared Trumps's own remarks on energy here, but there was another speaker on the subject at the recent RNC Convention. It was North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. He has, by all accounts, been a good governor and would a good Secretary of Energy. His remarks matter and this is what he had to say:
Burgum is not an exciting speaker, but what he said about energy dominance was on the mark. He pointed out China is the beneficiary of our incredibly dumb energy policies at the moment and that's the unequivocal truth that's not spoken of nearly enough. He also pointed out the futility of green energy that will ultimately destroy energy reliability if not reined in by a new President. I give him an A and hope Trump uses him to end the green charade.
#Burgum #Energy #EnergyDominance #Trump #GreenEnergy