“From The Director Of Net Zero Watch”, By Francis Menton
“The specialty of Net Zero Watch is poking holes in the UK’s insane pursuit of Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions. The Director of NZW is Andrew Montford.”
From The Director Of Net Zero Watch
December 29, 2024/ Francis Menton
Net Zero Watch is an affiliate of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the UK’s leading climate-skeptic think tank. (Another affiliate of the Global Warming Policy Foundation is the American Friends of the GWPF, the organization of which I am the President and a board member.). The specialty of Net Zero Watch is poking holes in the UK’s insane pursuit of Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions. The Director of NZW is Andrew Montford.
A few days ago (December 23), Montford issued a brief end of year statement that gives a good summary of where we are now in the climate wars. I thought that I should feature the statement here on Manhattan Contrarian. Here is the statement in full, with a few key lines highlighted by myself:
As another year draws to a close we can look back with some satisfaction on the changes in the political and economic landscape over the last twelve months.
We are not nearing the end of the climate emergency madness, but I think it’s fair to say we are at the beginning of the end – it is now clear that Net Zero is doomed, that the western world will return to rational energy policies, and that we will be completely vindicated.
There is a long road still to travel, and we shouldn’t expect the entrenched climate cult to suddenly collapse. Instead, we would expect the Net Zero timescales to be extended – see the story about the Canadian government below – and then, over the years, the targets themselves to be watered down, and then ignored, if not cancelled entirely.
There is a great deal still to do to make this happen. The UK government, and Ed Miliband in particular, appear set on economic suicide, and civil society will need to make it clear to the Labour party that their pursuit of this end will lead to their political annihilation. Limiting the damage done along the way will be a huge task, and a very difficult one, given the size of Mr Starmer’s majority. But we must try, for the sake of everyone who lives on these islands.
And we must also start to turn our thoughts to how we put the UK’s energy sector back onto a rational footing – how we reverse out from the dark and dangerous cul-de-sac into which successive goverments have driven us. Escaping all the political, diplomatic, legal and economic entanglements will be no simple task, and we will need all the help we can get.
So finally let me publicly thank everyone who financially supports our efforts. We remain on a tight budget, and we are therefore enormously grateful.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas, and a prosperous New Year.
I second Andrew’s sentiments, and of course also wish to see rational energy policy for the U.S. as well. We have every reason to think we are going to get that, or at least something close to it, with the incoming Trump administration.
Incredibly, the GWPF is moving toward “complete vindication” of its position with an annual budget of under $500,000. This compares to the annual budgets of the big enviro climate cult organizations in the range of hundred of millions of dollars each. (Examples: EDF $255 million for 2023; NRDC $244 million for 2023; Sierra Club $168 million for 2022; and there are dozens more, not to mention the government’s infinite checkbook.). Like the Kamala Harris campaign, they can blow through hundreds of millions of dollars in mere months, but their message of constant scare-mongering has gradually worn out.
For more from NZW, go here. For more from the GWPF, go here.