How NGOs Invariably Turn Nihilist: The Heinz Family Is Using John Heinz's Fortune to Attack Oil and Gas, JIM WILLIS, THOMAS J SHEPSTONE
The Heinz money given to academic institutions is used to produce anti-fossil fuel research. The research is biased and unscientific, with “bought-and-paid-for” results that please the Heinz paymaster
How NGOs Invariably Turn Nihilist: The Heinz Family Is Using John Heinz's Fortune to Attack Oil and Gas
JUL 15
Guest post by Jim Willis of Marcellus Drilling News.
The Heinz Endowments, the “legacy” of former Senator and Heinz ketchup baron John Heinz (a Republican!), continues to fund virulent, wildly left anti-fossil fuel groups. Two days ago, Heinz announced another $9.3 million in grants. The vast majority of the money was given to groups that actively attack the Marcellus industry, including PennFuture ($400,000), PennEnvironment ($430,000), Food & Water Watch ($220,000), Center for Coalfield Justice ($400,000), and others (full list below).
How did we get here where the fortune of John Heinz is used to attack oil and gas?
Heinz married Maria Teresa Thierstein Simões-Ferreira, known to you as Teresa Heinz Kerry. After John died, Teresa married the haughty John Kerry and corrupted the entire Heinz fortune and legacy. (Note: We NEVER buy Heinz ketchup or any Heinz products.)
Heinz Endowments makes “donations” to select organizations that will do its bidding, including universities like Carnegie Mellon, the University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Massachusetts. The Heinz money given to academic institutions is used to produce anti-fossil fuel research. The research is biased and unscientific, with “bought-and-paid-for” results that please the Heinz paymasters.
Activist groups use that research to engage in lawfare against the oil and gas industry, filing a blizzard of legal and regulatory challenges to every single activity by any company remotely connected to fossil fuels.
Heinz then buys off “journalists” like those at Capital & Main and Inside Climate News to publicize the research and highlight the activities of the activist groups.
That’s the Heinz playbook — fund the “research,” fund the activists to block development and cost jobs, and then fund the journalists to promote the research and activist activities. It’s disgustingly corrupt.
In one case — PennFuture — the Heinz Endowments actually created the organization from scratch! Is “environmental incest” a phrase? If not, we just created it. What Heinz does is grotesque.