“NYTimes Endorses The Most Damaging, Costly 'Green' Energy Idea: Heat Pumps”, By DAVID BLACKMON
Cara Buckley, whose bio says she “writes about people working toward climate solutions, often at the community and grass roots level, and off-the-beaten-path responses to the climate crisis.”
NYTimes Endorses The Most Damaging, Costly 'Green' Energy Idea: Heat Pumps
DEC 11, 2024
Leave it to the climate alarm spreaders at the NYTimes to endorse the most damaging and costly ‘green’ energy idea ever invented: The mass adoption of heat pumps, as part of the paper’s ongoing coordination with leftwing activists trying to ban the use of natural gas appliances.
The Times did just that on Tuesday in an op/ed written by oneNYTimes Endorses The Most Damaging, Costly 'Green' Energy Heat Cara Buckley, whose bio says she “writes about people working toward climate solutions, often at the community and grass roots level, and off-the-beaten-path responses to the climate crisis.”
First, there is no such thing as a “climate crisis.” Any piece that starts there inevitably involves awful ideas filled with propaganda and false science. Add to that the fact that this story is about heat pumps, which have invariably created massively higher energy costs and less efficient climate control everywhere they’ve been tried, and, well, you know where this story is going, don’t you?
Naturally, Ms. Buckley hilariously poses atrocious heat pumps as a lovely alternative to gas appliances. They aren’t, and never can be, but when has that ever stopped the propagandists from propagandizing? What makes this an even more obvious piece of rank disinformation and propaganda is the author’s citing of a study by Rewiring America, which is nothing more than a leftwing activist group advised by Stacey Abrams.
Yes, THAT Stacey Abrams. Because science, or something.
Holy crap.
On his X feed yesterday, Steve Everley, one of the smartest energy analysts working today, took this ridiculous bit of climate propaganda apart in a terrific thread. So I decided to share it with readers here. Give it a read.
Man, that’s brutal, isn’t it? It’s the kind of great work that Mr. Everley produces on a regular basis. If you aren’t following him on X, you are really missing out.
That is all.
The article needs correcting: The article states "...this story is about heat pumps, which have invariably created massively higher energy costs and less efficient climate control everywhere they’ve been tried...". The article should/could say "...and less efficient climate control Than In Most Places they’ve been tried...". We live in British Columbia, Canada where about 90% of grid power comes from hydroelectric. The unit cost of electricity here is only 60% of the national average. We moved here from Alberta where power costs more than twice as much as in BC. Natural gas is cheap in Alberta so we heated our house with it as well as our hot water. Our electric bill in BC for house heating with a heat pump, electric hot water, all appliances and fixtures, is much lower than our electric bill was in Alberta, where we also had to pay a gas bill for our house and water heating. Alberta to BC is not exactly apples to apples because the winters in BC are milder than in Alberta. Taking that into account our total energy cost in BC is still far below what we paid in Alberta.
Where is the truth regarding this latest release?? https://stocks.apple.com/AzPIbhz_PSty3IeEFOMxNZg