1 Comment
Jun 19Liked by Stephen Heins

This BBC reporter is beyond ignorant! This farmer understands that the first world got their standard of living from fossil fuels over a short 100+ years. I grew up in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) and South Africa in the 50's to 1976. I have returned to visit my sister and and nephew many times. I've spoken to men and women like this Kenyan and they are highly educated and crying out to corrupt governments for fossil fuels to repair their destroyed colonial infrastructure and fertile farms. The UN, World Bank, WEF and USA impose impossible "green restrictions" on loans due to "severe climate change", thus driving billions to live without clean water, electricity and scrape for their basic food needs - subject to malaria, aids, measles, dysentery and a host of diseases the first world has eradicated. Life is brutal and short but they make the best of it! The Chinese stepped into the breach providing loans to corrupt government officials to develop mineral wealth, of which there is an abundance. These loans always have strings attached to extend Chinese influence in Africa through ports and airports. These loans have little, if any impact on the average citizen, but give the ruling class obscene wealth for their Swiss Bank Accounts. I am beyond furious with First World ignorance re what matters to the African billions. India has it right,in spades, developing through coal and nuclear supplied power!

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