You'd expect this sort of manipulation from climate alarmists who aren't interested in open and honest debate. Michael's observations are keen. Kudos.

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When "the science" is so bad or lacking that you have to come up with ways to manipulate your way to your agenda. Sounds terrific! / sarc

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Pardon my French fuck them!!! Twist spin mutilate a message to fit their damn insane agenda.

Debate the damn merits

Study the past

Assess the options available

Still think these assholes spend a winter week

Say January relying on the solar and wind to heat their crooked bones in my county. Like a scientific lab experiment.

They’d be dead in 7 days.

RIP to Less insane climate experts so willing to tell others

How to use the energy available to us all.

RIP climate crisis actors acting out their psychopathic controlling freaking unscientific opinions.

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LOL. Points well made!! 😁

They'd last about 3 days in my county

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ILL send you a note 🗒️ later when I catch up!

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