Jul 23Liked by Stephen Heins

If my Dr brings up climate change during a visit I'm out

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Any doctor that tries to lecture me on Climate crisisTM is likely to find themselves in need of medical attention....I grew up in the 70s and 80s and am fully alive to this utter scam and codswallop. "By the year 2000, Doncaster will be a seaside resort, as sea levels will have risen so far...." this was in the 70s. Well, the good folks of Doncaster are still waiting and have yet to invest in arcades and kiss me quick hats...."By 2020, the Maldives will disappear underwater", was the cry in the 80s. Did anybody do anything to help the stricken population? You betcha. They all booked holidays there before "it's too late....". It's 2024 and THE MALDIVES ARE STILL THERE. I do want to know what is going to happen in 2030 when gas boilers have been banned but only the wealthy and terminally stupid have got an air source heat pump......

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There is not an official organization that has not been captured.

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Except Covid 19 wasn’t the cause of that many deaths on graph.

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It shows they really have no clue what they want their problem to be. That should also be a time to do some serious thinking before you or your family are hustled or bamboozled into a green scheme. I also say stop the geoengineering stuff before more damage is caused.

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Eliminating the human infestation is a popular idea that has both ancient and more contemporary roots. Climate Change is just one more invisible fake means of scaring people (like bioweapon jabs for imaginary "viruses") using fear porn to get them to do what is desired by those who control the narrative and the useful idiots who will follow and carry out the execution of the directives given.

That together with the ongoing claims of "consensus" by the righteous and unassailable "experts" should ever and always give rise to immediate and conclusive suspicion, doubt and challenge.

After all, the idea of Technocracy which was birthed or found viability in the 1930's that's now the latest methodology of preference for world domination must and will continue to promote those who know from those who must blindly trust as they are led to the slaughter. That includes "credentialed professionals" who claim to know and have given themselves authority to do what normal mortals are apparently unable to.

We must cease to acknowledge their insinuated authority and power and instead seize our own and assert it -- we are not subjects to be managed and told what to do -- or are we?

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