
Well said, Mr. speaking.

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What is it of climate to be of concerning change?

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Excellent pro-energy, pro-vibration, pro-frequency for all walks seeking good will similarly minded.

Should people find themselves facing uncertainty.....,

St. George Tucker summed it up best:

“The acquiescence of the people of a state under any usurped authority for any length of time, can never deprive them of the right of resuming the sovereign power into their own hands, whenever they think fit, or are able to do so, since that right is perfectly unalienable.”

Never forget our political, spiritual and binding force by which we seek in good will to serve all walks of life seeking unanimity similarly situated thereby:

"In essentials, unanimity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, honor."

Be wise, safe & blessed,


Notice: U.P.C. applicable

Tel: 1-509-862-3119 (text first before call)

Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors..

P. S.: Please, most graciously grant whatever courtesy for any incorrect scripture, syntax or grammatical errors wherever found throughout our life as unintended clerical errors that all are free to adjust and correct to account properly for remedial recourse our humble efforts intend.

But if grace fails our feeble entreaties, then as Don Corleone says ("Oil the gun.. eat the cannoli. Take it to the Mattress.")


“We are increasingly governed not by law or elected representatives but by an unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committee of lawyers applying no will but their own.” < Robert Bork...

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