I've been overusing the word "nonsense" recently. And that's because all of this claptrap floating around is just that, NONSENSE.

They have so many goals in mind. How adorable of them. Not! I have one for them, and that is ---- crawl back into the holes you all came out of. And LEAVE. US. ALONE.

Thank you for this!

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Yeah especially as there is no climate change emergency - "they" are manipulating the weather. They have admitted to geoengineering - creating clouds to block the sun to reduce the temperature - well they have done such a good job of that, that Ireland has had the coldest summer EVER (which funnily enough that didn't make the news no they tried to tell us the temperature was a lot warmer than it was all while we were all freezing with the heating on, yeah like that's normal for summer time)- very little sun at all and usually I would have to cut the grass every week but after 6 weeks it still didn't really need to be cut, so what does that say for our food crops?

So it's not such a jump of imagination to think that they are creating all the storms, they have after all been studying the weather and how to manipulate it create rain for decades

Net zero is also bollox as we breathe out carbon dioxide so that means they'll have to kill us .....

wait a minute

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China India most everyone will be using coal. That’s a lot of effort for .2 degrees of cooling the earths temperature. It’s really just another Ponzi scheme

Profiting off the woke idealism of net zero.

Biden is a fool.

Bragging about his agenda that is absurd.

Your right Elusive 1 leave us alone. At this point vote them out. Drill baby drill. Equity how do you

Legislate this idea? We need to go back to equality

And merit. Let the strong care for the weak.

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Leave us alone, right? Lol

Enough of this!!

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