They never mention geoengineering man ipulating weather. I’ve read in the 1930s weather was warmer. Me thinks they cherry pick statistics

Easy to do. Weather stations not out in rural area.

Weather is their big club they want to use to tax every breathing human to death.

More people die of cold weather.

Stop dropping nano particles in the sky and let God

Manage the weather.

CO2 like viruses perfect enemies no one can ever see!!

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• Global and U.S. Temperature Besides outright lies and misrepresentations, use of models and the ever-changing ways in which “temperatures” are measured and compared, the fixation on temperatures being driven by CO2 concentrations is just plain stupid.

• Heat Waves in U.S. Cities – Heat waves are manufactured through climate engineering, the use of ionospheric heaters, HAARP and the constant saturation of the skies with lethal metals particulates, microplastics, and a barrage of electromagnetic frequencies which are harmful to life and at certain frequencies, causing injury, illness and even death to the populous.

• A Closer Look – Heat-Related Workplace Deaths More people freeze to death every year. This is bogus information.

• Sea Surface Temperature The oceans are one of the most effective mitigators of the climate engineering that has been conducted for several decades. …as are the cloud formations that are not artificially constructed from geoengineering and bombardment of the geoengineered skies with EMFs.

• Marine Heat Waves Changes in ACTUAL temperature are virtually non-existent and perfectly aligned with long cycle climate cycles.

• Marine Species Distribution Stop messing with the climate and leave the EMFs off. Watch the flourishing earth come back full force. The assault from multiple vectors is a conflagration of attempts to do severe harm to the earth and its inhabitants, as an excuse and as a pretext for subduing populations, filling them full of poison, robing them of food and freedom and consigning them to a meager subsistence existence when we live on planet of virtually unending abundance and beauty.

• Coastal Flooding There is no flooding. The ways in which this is model, compared with selective (versus comprehensive, sequential) data is frighteningly deceptive and far from “scientific”.

• Wildfires These are started by directed energy weapons and exacerbated by the presence of metal particulate matter suspended in the stratosphere and ionosphere. The are used strategically to enable low-ball purchases or forfeitures of desired lands for repurposing or rewilding to eliminate populations that are no longer desirable to have living there.

• Length of the Growing Season What’s important is that we return to sustainable, localize, organic farming practices and eliminate all of the agribusiness, GMO plants, seeds and fertilizers used now to partially replenish the dead soil with some synthetic nutrients for the frankenplants grown and sold as real food.

• Snowpack Stop messing with the climate and the snowpacks, recurring seasonal weather patterns and water tables will al return to status quo as historically evident.

• Arctic Sea Ice The thickness and territory covered by ice has INCREASED, the polar bears have reproduced 3 – 5 times form their supposed near extinction levels, and the pipelines going through the arctic areas have proven a refuge for animal life (pictures of animals nestled around them abound).

IF we cease and desist screwing with the world and leave it to its miraculous ways, we’ll regain Eden. We should steward wisely, return to organic, non-GMO practices, subsidize the development and cultivation of land that is used for productive purposes, and abandon all rhetoric about climate change and some fabricated crisis that’s used as cover for the cancellation and curtailment of our freedoms and our property and our right to exist and to share the abundance that is here for all and for even more.

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Propaganda ugh

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