
James, if this wasn’t so funny, I would feel your terrible pain, James.

Can I use your narrative in a few choice places? I keep you informed where.

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Painful thoughts.

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It’s being forced down our throats, shortcomings and all. The governments of the world need to let the automotive market work without interference.

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What are you trying to scare people about? My wife has been driving an EV for about 4 years and I 1.5 years. We are happier with our cars than with gasoline engine cars. I know a lot of folks where we live that feel the same way. So what is your issue with EVs?

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Good to know I’d be careful in country side but I know here there’s lots of charging stations. Where I’d go to do some back woods driving I’d be nervous.

But for main stream driving I think good.

Nothing against EVs

Don’t think anyone including government ought to tell people what to drive.

I see lots of Teslas here.

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It’s the lack of good governing sense and making it mandatory.

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Well people in government

I worked for the USFS

Saw first hand government operation that never created anything and had a budget and spent money do they could get same money next year. They have no business or common sense.

Then they jump on issues like


I swear you could literally cut half the government employees and still run country.

Mandating anything is nonsense

And really totalitarianism

Let the market decide


Green power

I live in area that is covered in windmills and now solar farms

January coldest week on record

This energy provided .05%

Of our heating needs

It may be green but it ain’t effective nor is it green

When you consider

Ship windmill blades of diesel


Transport to diesel truck

Escort with gas pilot trucks

Dig hole with diesel rig

Plow service road diesel CAT

set in place with diesel crane

Concrete with diesel cement


17 years bury radioactive wind blades

Like radioactive solar panels

They call this green

They will mandate we surround our bonfires in winter live in the stone age

They will not follow their own mandates

Government is a leach that demands your blood

And punishes and rewards

No common sense

Because they ain’t using their own money. Lol

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How long are your road trips? What is your range till refueling? Have you needed mechanical work?

I wonder if everyone had an ev car would that suck all the electricity needed for houses?

One thing I don’t get is the enormous amount of mining for the minerals for your batteries. And consider when you charge are you using coal nuclear hydro where does that power come from?

What do you do when you battery dies?

Sorry sticking with gas I drive a hybrid .. see plenty of teslas everyday think they are a virtue vanity flag

Waving… but happy your happy with you cars.,

You could just be a troll. My son in law has one.

Thinking you options in the wild country are limited starving for charging stations.

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Jun 22Liked by Stephen Heins

I live in the DMV. Installed a level 2 charging station at home. No mechanical problems. A scenario where every one owns an EV in today’s world is not a scenario worthy of consideration today. I haven’t done a long trip yet. I know that I have to plan charging stops, but not worried about it. I do know that charging stations are scarce or non-existing in rural areas (a matter of demand). I decided to buy an EV because I started to see lots of EVs on the roads. All those people can’t be wrong about their decision. My EV meets my transportation needs.

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But, it was your choice.

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