

Sometimes, ignorance is

too loud,

too vacuous,

too lawless.

I am stunned into silence.

Steve Heins

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I'm amazed by how fast Germany is declining.

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The Plummet is good news for the environment

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Unfucking believable

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This is not enough.

So 70% compared to previous year still buy electric vehicles?

This could be a variation on year to year sales.

The car prices exploded because of stupid add ons that no one wants or needs. You are buying a PC with wheels in effect. Old cars were cheaper because no computing power (OK maybe just the one of a pocket calculator).

When I see more than 90% sales drop year on year I will believe the Germans are waking up.

Also of relevance https://thegreatreject.substack.com/p/car-hacking-is-the-job-of-the-future?utm_source=publication-search

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