The one place where California Governor Newsom seems to be an energy realist is keeping Diablo Canyon [Nuclear] Power Plant (DCPP) running. Previously, Governor Newsom opposed DCPP. However, independent nonprofit Californians for Green Nuclear Power (CGNP) contacted Newsom's cabinet secretary circa March, 2022. The message was that California's electricity needs to remain reliable if you want to eventually become U.S. President. Governor Gray Davis was recalled for the California electricity blackouts caused by ENRON from 1999-2001. CGNP remained in contact with Governor Newsom. Other nuclear power advocacy groups weighed in. The result was Governor Newsom signing California SB 846 on September 2, 2022. CGNP continued its relentless advocacy despite the aggressive lobbying of likely DCPP opponent PacifiCorp, a firm that wants to sell even more coal-fired power to California. Recently, the Democrat-controlled legislature attempted to dismantle part of the DCPP extended operations plan. Governor Newsom prevented the dismantlement. Interested readers may learn more by visiting our GreenNUKE Substack at https://greennuke.substack.com/ . CGNP has additional background information at our website, https://CGNP.org

P.S. Another piece of California energy vulnerability is the state importing 95% of its natural gas. For many years, CGNP has criticized this vulnerability before regulatory and oversight bodies. Almost all of the natural gas pipelines serving the state cross the southern section of the San Andreas Fault. When that section ruptures - and it could be soon - those natural gas pipelines will be difficult to repair, particularly after each major aftershock - for the next decade or so.

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The $2.3 BILLION DOLLARS/year spent by the Anti Nuclear NGO’s is per VANDALISM ON an Industrial Scale. The smart one have left CA.

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I agree it is vandalism on an industrial scale. The profit motive is front and center. CGNP has worked hard to expose the political corruption of likely DCPP opponent PacifiCorp. PacifiCorp owns a large fleet of mostly coal-fired generators in an around Wyoming. There is information showing the PacifiCorp's sales of this pollution-laden power to southern California investor owned utilities ballooned after San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) was needlessly closed at the end of January, 2012 instead of being repaired. PacifiCorp is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE). Since November, 2014, with the cooperation of CAISO, two BHE subsidiaries - PacifiCorp and NV Energy have sold at wholesale more than $1.2 billion in electricity to mostly California entities. These sales exploit a loophole in California environmental law, SB 1386 [Perata., 2006.] PacifiCorp is working on a WWGPI project that if completely implemented via a quasi-federal agency WIEB-CREPC will nullify SB 1386.

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One of my favorite California Reports is the Little Hoover Report of 2018: Forest management is a lost art in CA.

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I believe this article summarizes the problem you refer to, "Little Hoover Commission in 2018 had answer to reduce massive wildfires, Sacramento ignored it." by Dennis Wyatt, The Bulletin, Published: Oct 13, 2020, 12:39 AM https://www.mantecabulletin.com/opinion/local-columns/little-hoover-commission-2018-had-answer-reduce-massive-wildfires-sacramento-ignored-it/

OTOH, the information above I provided focuses on political corruption by a deep-pocketed corporation focused on maximizing its profitability. The multiple harms to California ratepayers and the environmental damage are swept under the rug.

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Ya get what ya vote for. Good and hard.

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Illegals love newsom & vote early and often

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Yeah but they’re a tiny bloc. The blocs to be worried about are black females & AWFLs.

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Maybe it's the obvious overweening ambition or it could be Newsome’s utter lack of self awareness. Perhaps it's the self absorption. Anyway Newsome is a paper hanger.

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