Climate believers claim climate skepticism is in decline, that a growing number of people are concerned about climate change. But if this is the case, why are there so many elected climate skeptics?
I am a vociferous climate "believer." The climate has changed drastically in the past from ice ages to warming periods, which have occurred in regular cycles over the last 850,000 years. This data is available through NASA among many other sources through ice core samples and is not disputed. The last warming period began a
pprox 12000 years ago as arctic temperatures rose some 10 deg celcius and by approx 8000 years ago melted the 1-3 mile thick ice sheet covering much the northern hemisphere. So, how did a small population of humans and their campfires accomplish that? It is necessary to understand the title waves of climate change before drawing conclusions. Science does not yet have the answers. To say that climate is "settled science" is an oxymoron; all science is constantly changing and always will be.
I am a vociferous climate "believer." The climate has changed drastically in the past from ice ages to warming periods, which have occurred in regular cycles over the last 850,000 years. This data is available through NASA among many other sources through ice core samples and is not disputed. The last warming period began a
pprox 12000 years ago as arctic temperatures rose some 10 deg celcius and by approx 8000 years ago melted the 1-3 mile thick ice sheet covering much the northern hemisphere. So, how did a small population of humans and their campfires accomplish that? It is necessary to understand the title waves of climate change before drawing conclusions. Science does not yet have the answers. To say that climate is "settled science" is an oxymoron; all science is constantly changing and always will be.