“Hear no oil, see no oil, speak no oil”
New York Times reporters' energy transition narrative can't stand on the facts, and they don't care
“Hear no oil, see no oil, speak no oil”
New York Times reporters' energy transition narrative can't stand on the facts, and they don't care
“The piece gushes about the glories of the wind and solar industry, while conspicuously navigating a minefield of pesky facts about the energy mix to maintain its narrative.”
Just superb! Wind and Solar are impoverishment vehicles, parasites, pariahs, and government sanctioned thieves. Wind and Solar corrupt the police power of the state into forcing and extorting taxpayers and ratepayers into paying for junk energies...all cloaked in virtue signaling drivel about saving the planet.
Just superb! Wind and Solar are impoverishment vehicles, parasites, pariahs, and government sanctioned thieves. Wind and Solar corrupt the police power of the state into forcing and extorting taxpayers and ratepayers into paying for junk energies...all cloaked in virtue signaling drivel about saving the planet.