Renewable energy, such as wind and solar will never supply more than 20% of our power needs. Wind and solar by their very nature are intermediate, unreliable and expensive forms of energy, which is not compatible with the grid.

The path to affordable and reliable energy will come from our new modern nuclear power systems such as the Westinghouse AP 300 SMR.

The problem with nuclear is that there has been an intense drive in the last two decades to discount nuclear as dangerous and expensive. This simply is not the case.

The only people supporting renewable energy are the atmospheric activists, politicians and the wind turbine and solar developers who are in it for the money!

Edgar J. Gunter, PhD

Prof. Emeritus Mech. & Aerospace Eng., UVA, Fellow ASME

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Great read. Thanks for the book reference. I'll pick it up.

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Roger Caiazza wrote a good summary of Meredith Angwin's book Shorting the Grid. I agree the only solution is re-regulation as no entity is responsible for critical electric grid reliability in ISO or RTO areas. There is an economic value associated with reliability Previously, CGNP observed the indirect costs of the ENRON-induced California grid failures were between $300 - $400 billion in lost productivity. We address some of these issues in our article, "Why is Grid Inertia Important? - Without sufficient synchronous grid inertia, the grid becomes unstable and a blackout occurs." https://greennuke.substack.com/p/why-is-grid-inertia-important

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