70 to 90 per cent of the GHE caused by water vapor is the kind of vague factoid that a warmist would present. Steve Gorham you can do better than that. I believe that it's near as dammit to 30/33 or 91%. Also, greenhouse gases work by delaying the escape of infrared radiation to space, thus increasing the residence time of heat energy in the system. The partial saturation of the electromagnetic spectrum means just that. There's no point at which the spectrum is overwhelmed and starts letting IR through. Science is on our side. Let's get our ducks in orderly rows.

This battle is being fought in the hearts not the rational minds of the public. The Australian feral bounty is exactly the kind of thing we need to include in our narrative. Brownie Points for including that unhappy incident.

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Trace gases like CO2 and methane do not a greenhouse make. What nonsense. The earth is a molten lava oven with a thin crust, and far too little atmospher to insulate CO2 or not. The sun's heat is dissipated each night.

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Lloyd, Lloyd. Uninformed comments like this make all climate skeptics look bad. You don't have to trust the scientists -- I wouldn't -- but the science of the greenhouse effect is pretty well established.

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