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Please let me know if I do not have this entirely correct... 50% auto EVs in California by 2030, despite the fact 100% of EVs sold in the U.S. are at a loss to the manufacturer of $30-130k/unit. 50% electric trains by 2030, despite the fact 80% of incoming freight to California comes by train and no commercially available electric trains exist anywhere; all states would be affected that ship to California. 50% electric semi-trucks by 2030, despite the fact no commercially available electric trucks exist anywhere; all states would be affected that ship to California. All of the above is 100% guaranteed to fail with no upside, at all. Costs will sky rocket, grid reliability will fail, and somehow California will find a way to actually increase emissions through it all...not that increasing emissions matter a whit per the expertise of the MAGICC arm of the IPCC of the UN...meaning all of this is B.S..

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If nasa actually had the technology to put man on the moon, modern transport would already be way more advanced than it is now.

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MNGA Make NASA Great Again.

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