Aug 3Liked by Stephen Heins

So tired of the fake climate scares and the endless (unrealized) dire predictions based on "models" contrived and conceived of with a biased agenda in mind. The only "tipping point" we should be concerned about is what the governments are spraying into our skies (toxic metals and microplastics & sulfur), changing with their weather modification apparatuses, and maiming and injuring while bathing us in electromagnetic frequencies along with the rest of the planet so severely they're killing all organic life. The climate catastrophicists have had decades to prove a case and all they do is take the money and run up disaster predictions of an urgent nature to gin up the incoming funds in perpetuity while depriving humans of liberty and the enjoyment of life, while they're constantly chastised for living and breathing and using petrochemical products -- while carbonide is in process --- killing us off by depriving us of the gas of life -- CO2 and threatening us about a "fossil fuel" that is not from fossils or in danger of scarcity....They've created a mindset and attempted to imprint it on global populations so that we're conditioned the fear the invisible threat to our lives and will do whatever we're told. Shame onus for handing over our agency and power to others who we deemed trustworthy when we should know that power corrupts absolutely and money only perpetuates the issue.

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Solar engineering will solve everything!!! Who pays these so called experts to slew such bull shit?

Can we just stop this global warming … while the elites fly their lear jets and tell us to stop using gas cars.

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