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It is a disaster in the making that wind farms proliferate while there needs to be be a moratorium on their construction until their effects on the environment are understood and mitigated. For the purpose of this article infrasound will be addressed: In order to appreciate the harm caused by noise from wind turbines we must understand the nature of infrasound. Infrasound is noise generated at such low frequencies that it can not be heard by human ears, but can cause physical distress to living things that goes far beyond being a mere nuisance. Sound travels in the form of waves that cause compression alternated with rarefaction of the medium the sound travels through. Three of the many effects of infrasound generated by wind turbines are: (1) The reduced air pressure during the rarefaction phase results in capillaries in bat lungs rupturing and causing death. The bat literally drowns in it's own blood. (2) The 'rumble' in soil mimics that of intense thunder from rainstorms and results in earthworms avoiding potential drowning in mud by leaving the soil; becoming susceptible to predation and overheating and drying out. (3) It interferes with the ability of cetaceans to communicate, navigate, and/or echolocate food and dangers.

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