Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Stephen Heins

The deal is:

>‘Greenhouse effect’ - we all know that greenhouses are used to great effect to rapidly grow things, enhanced by pumping in CO2 to speed up the photosynthesis process - a greenhouse is a fantastic piece of tech, capable of helping to reduce famines - the alarmist mob slur the term to try to indicate global boiling, when actually the gentle warming our earth is undergoing is a positive for plant & crop growth and human health

> ‘global warming’ - a pleasant process our earth has enjoyed since the end of the last ice age (LIA) as it progresses through another interglacial period - it has led to significant greening of our planet and improved health for millions of people - again, the alarmist mob have hijacked it and turned it into global boiling and climate hell, which it isn’t

> ‘climate change’ - the earths climate has always changed and there are many drivers of it that current empirical science doesn’t yet fully understand - we do know of many natural drivers, including volcanoes, solar activity, cloud cover, ENSO, ocean currents etc - again, the alarmist mob have concentrated on AGW, which to date is still an unproven hypothesis, yet nefarious globalist entities are using it to fleece taxpayers and consumers, based on tweaked data, ridiculous unproven theories and nonsense bought and paid for modelling - indeed the UNIPCC’s very existence and funding depends on them peddling the hoax (unproven hypothesis) via ever more sensationalist and constantly proven wrong unscientific bilge

> ‘climate emergency’ - as Clintel et al clearly state, there isn’t one - those same globalist cabals, including the WEF, WHO, IMF and UN etc are using the term to force the masses into compliance, because their poor quality claims are constantly unravelling, leaving those masses in increasing scepticism about the whole dodgy AGW / net zero construct

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Climate Crisis will backfire. Hopefully. This is cult behaviour they are exhibiting. Upping the ante as the predictions fail. Ten of the hottest years in the modern record just having occurred. Right. Provided you cherry pick data.

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