Aug 12Liked by Stephen Heins

I have a plan to halt climate anxiety almost instantly. Quit broadcasting your nonsense to them and more importantly to our kids in the US. We have kids who have been terrified for 2 decades, some who have dropped plans for college, having kids and dreaming of the future. All from the magical thinking of the climate cult.

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I think climate change alarmism is directly responsible for this type of literary garbage. 🥹

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The earths weather has been changing since the Ice Age. As soon as I see scientists and the WEF together I know it’s fear mongering BS!

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How about going to geoengineeringwatch.org and you can find plenty of proof as to the largest contributer to this insanity!

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Weather warfare, now in use everywhere (and deployed domestically against American citizens on a regular, recurring basis), was originally developed and deployed against foreign powers to make them more amenable to whatever the agenda of the day was desired to be. Geoengineering combined with HAARP and DEW's make for a formidable nightmare for those one the receiving end. Just look at the "punishment" fires in TX & the Hurricanes in FL that are convenietly "maneuvered" for maximum impact.

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OMG, I first thought this was satire...but you seriously believe this? You posted this crap, you are part of the problem. The largest contributor to any climate change that we are experiencing is the Geoengineering, that our government has been performing for decades! They are destroying the ozone layer, and killing all life on this planet. But people like you continue to push this narrative without ever actually doing your research, or are complicit in the lie as are many so called scientists. Plenty of patents, public interviews, speeches and documents to prove this, even LBJ in a famous baccalaureate speech..."w/ the invention of the first weather satellite, to determine the earth's cloud layer, and ultimately to control the weather, and he who controls the weather will control the world!"

Yet Google and Wikipedia and those bankrolling or carrying it out, tell you it's "conspiracy theory".

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Military Industrial Complex/ UN funded Weather Change.

Cloud seeding with dry ice made shoveled snow remain intact during 50 degrees direct sunlight.


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Geoengineering… HAARP …. Same was used in Vietnam: Operation Popeye. Oh and the government had fun with Woodstock and Burning Man!

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I don’t give a 🐀 🐀 🫏 about the climate change lie!!! They are so full of 💩!!!!

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"When CO2 levels are reduced via a global tax" is the lefts new proper answer to "when will you stop beating your wife"..

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Wow….the WEF has no boundaries to its insanity

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No it doesn’t Pakistani men cause Pakistani men to beat up their wives

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They probably don’t need climate change as an excuse to do that 🤔

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Clearly the fault of climate given their centuries of progress and achievement. Fire and the wheel are right around the corner.

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Net zero watch have recently done a list of over thirty BBC news broadcasts where their climate change claims are false. One in particular that springs to mind was a woman who was bitten by a crocodile because of climate change.


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Their wives or their sisters. Oh sorry they are one and the same.

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